Tokyo Marui M9
Tokyo Marui M9
Tokyo Marui M9
Tokyo Marui M9
Tokyo Marui M9
Tokyo Marui M9
Tokyo Marui M9


Tokyo Marui M9

Estado: NUEVO 
Peso: 1200 gramos

The Beretta M9 is for the budget minded enthusiast, this pistol offers lots of bang for the buck. Makes efficient use of HFC134a to pack a wallop not found on other more expensive pistols. Minor modification to the hammer spring can yield enough punch to drive a BB through both sides of an empty soda can, approximating 0.85J! Even better, it can shoot HFC22 straight out of the box and attain 0.9J! Lots of metal parts and solid feel make this a must buy at this price! Check out our review in the reviews section.


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Martes, 23 Enero 2018